Saturday, November 8, 2008

3 Nights in Szentgotthard!!!!

This little story is about the 3 glorious nights I spent in Szentgotthard. I was off to Hungary for an official workshopwith my colleague Roberto. We started from Turin via Frankfurt and then to Vienna. In Vienna we met our other two colleagues Miguel and Erik. This was the first time I met Erik and Miguel. Suddenly I realized that we were a kind of internationalteam, as I am an Indian, Roberto is Italian, Miguel is Spanish and Erik is Belgian. We had rented the car by which we wentto Szentgotthard a small town in Hungary. The ride was nice and smooth as we were scorching through the foggy and coldnight. We reached there around midnight. We were tired because of the hectic journey so took the bed as soon as we entered the hotel.

The next day we went to the plant and kick started the workshop. At the end of the day we planned to go to the resturant fprsome good beer and food. There was literally no living entity on the roads. It looked as if we four are the only ones in that town. Finally we found one resturant. We ordered the local Hungarian beer named some Saprozzi. It tasted good and we went for a platter, I don't know how many different kind of animals were there on that platter. Miguel was the one who took notice of thecontents which were written on the menu. There was some asparas ribs which was mentioned in the menu. But we didn't find any ribs in our plate. Miguel went ahead and asked the waiter about that. Poor guy didn't understand what we were actually trying to say. Then after sometime he came with a piece of paper which had some message written about the ribs. I never had this kind of an situation before in my life.
If day one was good then wait for the coming lines. As usual we finished our work for the second day and decided to trya different bar this time. We found one western countryside bar. We had some good platter and lots of beer. Don't remmember how many bottles we had that night. Last night Roberto restricted himself to just a couple of beers because he had to drivethe car. But this time he didn't bring the car, so he was able to give us company for more number of beer's than lastnight. The bar was about to close but still I insisted the waiter I guess his name was Peter to give us one more roundof beer. I don't but this kind of things happen in India very often that we give the bar tender some tip and he will alow us to have more drinks. I owe him because I told him that I am going to mention the name of the Bar, its 'Rondeo' Please correct me if I am wrong. Then we left the bar and were walking back to our hotel. This is the most interesting part of the whole trip. We saw one more bar on our way back to hotel. Duck Bay, name of the bar. Somehow Erik conviced everybody to go and have one more beer. We went inside and there were some hungarian people dancing on some hungarian numbers.

Those guys paid for our drinks, that was something amazing. We didn't know them but the language of beer was enough to charge all of us. We introduced to each other and were talking about stuffs like football and the clubs we support. I don't know what exactly we had in common but still I was talking to that Hungarian guy. Then we left the bar after sometime and were walking back to the hotel. As we were approaching the hotel there was a police patrol car and they checked with us and someone of us replied that we were going back to the hotel. Probably the police knew that we were drunk. If this would have happened in India definitely we would have been in trouble. So finally I was on my bed after many litres of beer, had a very nice sleep.

The next day after finishing our job we headed back to Vienna and from there myself and Robrto came back to Turin. This was one of my best trips abroad. I will never be able to forget those nights I spent in Szentgotthard bars. Really I was fortunate to be in company with my coleagues during the workshop, that was one hell of an experience. I still don't beleive how we had so much fun in that small, strange and quiet town SZENTGOTTHARD. Three cheers to that place in rememberence of those nights.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Show Me The Money

"Show me the money"..if you have seen the famous movie "Jerry Maguire" then this dialogue will ring in your ears. This line is today's mantra for a normal person aspiring to live in this demanding and competitive world. Money attracts the young generations of today if I am not wrong, but do they really know how to manage the money. At least I am not the lucky one who knows how to properly manage the so called money. Last month I created an excel sheet to keep track of my personal spending. Basically this was an effort to know how much money I am using for my day to day life? To my surprise the total money spent in a month came around to 6500 rupees. I couldn't believe that I am spending so much money on myself, since I am living with my parents so there's no need to spend on home accessories and other utilities like electricity bill..bla..bla....I go back to my college days when I used to live with my friends in flat, paying for my house rent, food, movies, parties etc. with a mere poultry amount of about 2000 rupees. I still remember my parents used to send me 2000 Rs/Month, which I manage to plan properly for spending. In those days I never came to a situation where I had no idea of what to do with the money I get. Now when I am earning nearly 20 times of the same money I don't know how to manage and spend. I know many people are like me ..I mean the bachelors who earn well. The married guys have anyway no chance to think about money (lucky people), as it will be fully taken care by their women :)

Friday, May 30, 2008

Seena Vaana

There is a definite punch in the name "Ceena Veena" chettinad hotel. In Chennai slang "scene hotel machi...". Ceena Veena is a small hotel which is situated in Pallavakam, ECR road. After "Amma Mess" I will rate this hotel the next big destination in chennai for hard core non-veggies. It is run by a owner who is from Madurai. I heard about this hotel from one of my colleagues. I should thank him big time, because this hotel has become one of my favourites. Ceena Veena offer all the ranges of typical chettinad items like mutton chukka, vanjram meen fry, nandu curry, kadai fry, etc. Huummm I can't close the water fall coming out of my mouth. So, people I will recommend you to try this hotel, which offers you good traditional style food with homely taste. Prices are very much affordable with highest range being a maximum of 60 Rs. So, guys whenever you are travelling through ECR head to this hotel rather than going for far more glorified hotels like Basera, Food Court, etc. Don't forget to call me, I will join you from anywhere if you are going to this hotel. Now I am a regular customer of Ceena, I can get you some discount...noooo just kidding .. but I feel proud to be part of Ceena Veena club.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Freak Evening in T Nager

A week ago I went to T.Nagar(famous shopping area in chennai) in the evening after my office hours to pick my friend from there. He was busy in shopping there and prefered to stay away from the crowd and parked my bike well oustide the crowdy area, behind T Nager bus stand. As I waited there for my friend to finish his shopping, I saw a dark marshy place in the corner of the road. After some time a guy came and used that corner for is toilet business. I thought that why is it that people find some area in the public road to do such activities. Within 30 minutes the count of people increased to almost 11, I was shattered that how these people find that place as if there are destined to that corner. I was praying to God as I could not take any more of that non-sense. Then came the 12th person..thats it enough I went to him and tried to stop him and persuade him for not doing such kind of activities in the public. He listened to me about 2-3 minutes of my lecture, he then smiled I thought at last somebody has learnt his mistake. Just when I thought ok I made atleast one person from commiting such a public nuisance, I heard the noise of water pouring from the tank...yes it was the nature's tank !!! I was dejected as i went back to my bike and leaned over it. After some 5 minutes there came the 13th person, I didn't care now as I thought its a waste of time to speak to these people. The 13th person was non other than my friend...I stood motionless for a minute... when he came near me I gave him left and right...he then pleaded to me that he will never do that kind of an act again in his life. At last I have made one person realize his mistake.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Traffic Signal !!!!

Ok this incident is a freak in its own kind. 5-6 months back i would have never thought that I will travel in OMR (old mamallapuram road) often. But then you never know whats next in your future isn't it. I used to travel to the heart of the Chennai city namely Nungambakam...ofcourse my old office. Now for the past 6 months I am forced to travel through OMR, guess what yes my new office is now situated in OMR. Here comes the real part of this story, there's a traffic signal near Thiruvanmyur, although its not the main signal but it is some what crowded. So often when I come to this signal I see a bus in front of me 21D, imagine everyday I travel and if I am not wrong but 99.99% of time I stop at this signal because it says halt (red sign). and this bus 21D will be in front of me. I have never crossed this signal without stopping..I mean I have never escaped the red sign all these 6 might be thinkking now that its a daily routine and there's a fixed time when cross this signal but to my knowledge I have gone through this signal on differernt timings. But may be there's soemthing between me and the bus 21D and without any doubt the mysterious traffic signal.

Friday, April 4, 2008

appreciate ur life !!!

Have you ever thought of yourself living in those era's of no freedom and bound by rules..regulations for living your own life. I am probably talking about the time of domination where the great English ruled us for more than 200 years..the era which was called the golden era. I wonder how I would have tackled if I was born in that era. Think of discriminations and stuffs which would have tied our life like as if it was controlled by some people. We are fortunate enough to born in free country, where everybody is same and everyone can express their feelings and has the freedom to compete with the best on today's world. What else one could ask shopping malls, movie cineplex, colleges, offices, IT parks.. man the list goes on and on...But what we do, we curse our own country, instead of appreciating what we have got. Like we nurture our own life carefully, why not then put an effort for our own country. I am proud that I have born in this free country which is not biased. So, why not appreciate it and look forward to build it forwards.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

4 pillows !!!

Well people reading this will think what is about the four pillows. The story is about 4 pillows which i have in my bed room. For a large period in my life i always shared my room with my brother. But now he's in Cochin doing his BA/LLB, which has left me alone in my bedroom. In those days we used 2 pillows for each of us, suddenly now i can see 4 pillows lying in my bed. Every night when I start to sleep i see these pillows and reminds me of the good old days when me and my brother will be fighting for the extra pillow. But now even though you have the pillows but of no use, there's nobody to compete with me. I think of my brother every time I see the extra pillows on my bed. Its strange that the reason behind thinking about my brother are a set of pillows, but i don't mind until it reminds me of my loving brother. I think we are past those days of fighting, but anyway its good to relive those moments of glory.