Monday, June 2, 2008

Show Me The Money

"Show me the money"..if you have seen the famous movie "Jerry Maguire" then this dialogue will ring in your ears. This line is today's mantra for a normal person aspiring to live in this demanding and competitive world. Money attracts the young generations of today if I am not wrong, but do they really know how to manage the money. At least I am not the lucky one who knows how to properly manage the so called money. Last month I created an excel sheet to keep track of my personal spending. Basically this was an effort to know how much money I am using for my day to day life? To my surprise the total money spent in a month came around to 6500 rupees. I couldn't believe that I am spending so much money on myself, since I am living with my parents so there's no need to spend on home accessories and other utilities like electricity bill..bla..bla....I go back to my college days when I used to live with my friends in flat, paying for my house rent, food, movies, parties etc. with a mere poultry amount of about 2000 rupees. I still remember my parents used to send me 2000 Rs/Month, which I manage to plan properly for spending. In those days I never came to a situation where I had no idea of what to do with the money I get. Now when I am earning nearly 20 times of the same money I don't know how to manage and spend. I know many people are like me ..I mean the bachelors who earn well. The married guys have anyway no chance to think about money (lucky people), as it will be fully taken care by their women :)


Esther said...

Efectivamente pienso que las mujeres administramos mejor el dinero :)

Prads said...

womens have more control over money and men both :)