The next day we went to the plant and kick started the workshop. At the end of the day we planned to go to the resturant fprsome good beer and food. There was literally no living entity on the roads. It looked as if we four are the only ones in that town. Finally we found one resturant. We ordered the local Hungarian beer named some Saprozzi. It tasted good and we went for a platter, I don

If day one was good then wait for the coming lines. As usual we finished our work for the second day and decided to trya different bar this time. We found one western countryside bar. We had some good platter and lots of beer. Don't remmember how many bottles we had that night. Last night Roberto restricted himself to just a couple of beers because he had to drivethe car. But this time he didn't bring the car, so he was able to give us company for m
ore number of beer's than lastnight. The bar was about to close but still I insisted the waiter I guess his name was Peter to give us one more roundof beer. I don't but this kind of things happen in India very often that we give the bar tender some tip and he will alow us to have more drinks. I owe him because I told him that I am going to mention the name of the Bar, its 'Rondeo' Please correct me if I am wrong. Then we left the bar and were walking back to our hotel. This is the most interesting part of the whole trip. We saw one more bar on our way back to hotel. Duck Bay, name of the bar. Somehow Erik conviced everybody to go and have one more beer. We went inside and there were some hungarian people dancing on some hungarian numbers.

Those guys paid for our drinks, that was something amazing. We didn't know them but t

The next day after finishing our job we headed back to Vienna and from there myself and Robrto came back to Turin. This was one of my best trips abroad. I will never be able to forget those nights I spent in Szentgotthard bars. Really I was fortunate to be in company with my coleagues during the workshop, that was one hell of an experience. I still don't beleive how we had so much fun in that small, strange and quiet town SZENTGOTTHARD. Three cheers to that place in rememberence of those nights.